Tuesday, 31 July 2018

92 days of summer day 31

Mars is out in the sky, beautiful!
sorry I'm late in posting this, yesterday was one of those days and nothing went well I was shattered by the end of the day and I still didn't make it to bed early. In fact the above shot of Mars was taken at about midnight but wow it was big and beautiful in the sky last night and really nice to see! 

In other news... Steps are going well, I'm sometimes running on the spot in the living room getting them in! But they are mostly getting in!

A friend asked if Phil was doing the steps with me, when I said no he said I should get him told!

Honestly, Phil is very busy, like ALL the time! He works hard and is often exhausted from a days work. You know what he does? He stays home and watches the kids so I can go out on a walk, and although the most he can expect is the occasional Yasmine coming and asking something when she really should be asleep, or Joseph falling out of bed, during the day sometimes and at weekends he does it, and its a huge help for me, I can go off for a walk, its a support I'm lucky to have, so although no he doesn't support me by doing the steps with me everyday (Although he has come with me out walking and next week when we he has some time off I'm guessing he'll be doing a lot of walking too with us) he does make it possible for me to do my steps! Now that is support!

Steps 31 July: 14,509
Steps so far: 433,293 
Steps to go:  566,707

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