Monday, 23 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 23

Yasmine has his reigns they love walking together!
So remember back in the winter when it was bitterly cold, there was tons of snow and I was sick of seeing it?

I don't get why its one extreme to another all the time! My skin is constantly a shade of pink at the minute its getting on my nerves, I'm not asking for it to be freezing cold, we're going camping in 2 weeks 6 days I'd like it not to be pouring down with rain all week, I'd like for my kids not to be freezing on a night time that's what I would like!

Well today was the first official day of the summer holidays!  Although it wasn't the day I had planned, it was still a pretty good day I would say!

Yasmine was sick yesterday reason unknown, but all the same I had planned to take them swimming, but if they are sick they can't go in the pool (I think its 24 hours after but I always leave 48) 
Yasmine showing off her times tables work!
So instead we focused on some of her times tables, she told me she wanted to learn her 12 and 3 times tables over the summer because that's the ones they will be learning next year in school (I like this girls thinking, forward planning always learning!) so I thought I would ease her into it. So we sat and did some times tables fun then Philip came back in from work.... No you read right, he headed off at about eight came back in at about half nine, absolutely fuming, they had cut off the car park around the office and there are no other car parks they can use. Luckily he has the ability to work from home, but what was going to be a day off 'no need to be quiet because daddy is at work' turned very structured when he came back, we (me and the kids) went out for a walk at about eleven, didn't come back until one. I had Joseph's pram and we did take regular stops. I think the walks will be a regular occurrence these holidays! Yasmine and I sat together at one point and read a chapter of a book, I really enjoyed just sitting and listening to her read.
Joseph had no nap today so I took him for a bath and to bed early (half five) and he was asleep by quarter past 6! 
Needless to say Yasmine is all better now so I'll be taking them up to Joseph's swimming lesson tomorrow morning then walking them home after I just have a plan for the afternoon... hopefully I'll be able to repeat the no nap with Joseph again!

Steps today: 12,044
Steps so far: 321,999
Steps to go: 678,001

Hey I think I'll be crossing the 1/3 of the way there tomorrow! 1/3! Already! A Week early!! Lets keep the pace people!!! Keep the PACE!

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