Today the school (yes the school again!) had on a fun day to celebrate them becoming an academy. so they had a bunch of bouncy castles and the police were there and let the kids in the car with the sirens and they got to wear the hats, even go in the back of the van!... well the kids liked it! and its is the last week of school next week I think they wanted most of it over and done with!
So today was weight watchers and I didn't get weighed in, I did go tot he meeting but I've been having a rough time with the increase in steps and the stifling heat! I've wanted to eat every thing EVERYTHING! but earlier this week I did put my foot down and I know the scales are going down so hopefully next week it will show!
Having said all that....
Steps today:13,682
Steps so far:178,140
Steps to go: 821,860

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