Monday, 30 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 30

Right so here is another map of where I walk, well this is a walk from my house up the hill to my closest town which is about a mile away. and yes when I go left and around the straight along to the same point there is a shorter route up but it is very very steep up there and only talk that route when walking without the kids or when we're walking down because I can not push a pram up its so steep, if I go all the way around as above the hill isn't as steep its a gradual incline so its easier to walk.  So this is a little over a mile and a half one way (It totally feels longer!) but it does mean it clocks up to nearly 4 miles when walked both ways, which is what we are doing. Yasmine is amazing she just walks it and she does get tired but she just keeps going for me and as you can see, Joseph took a nap today after swimming!
You know today's steps are going to bug me, because it adds up to 6.96 miles, and there's my problem..... 0.04th of a mile! My almost OCD is telling me I must make it up round up the number but I'm just too tired! I know you can't have almost OCD!

Steps taken: 17,237
Steps so far 418,753 
Steps to go: 581, 247

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