Tuesday, 31 July 2018

92 days of summer day 31

Mars is out in the sky, beautiful!
sorry I'm late in posting this, yesterday was one of those days and nothing went well I was shattered by the end of the day and I still didn't make it to bed early. In fact the above shot of Mars was taken at about midnight but wow it was big and beautiful in the sky last night and really nice to see! 

In other news... Steps are going well, I'm sometimes running on the spot in the living room getting them in! But they are mostly getting in!

A friend asked if Phil was doing the steps with me, when I said no he said I should get him told!

Honestly, Phil is very busy, like ALL the time! He works hard and is often exhausted from a days work. You know what he does? He stays home and watches the kids so I can go out on a walk, and although the most he can expect is the occasional Yasmine coming and asking something when she really should be asleep, or Joseph falling out of bed, during the day sometimes and at weekends he does it, and its a huge help for me, I can go off for a walk, its a support I'm lucky to have, so although no he doesn't support me by doing the steps with me everyday (Although he has come with me out walking and next week when we he has some time off I'm guessing he'll be doing a lot of walking too with us) he does make it possible for me to do my steps! Now that is support!

Steps 31 July: 14,509
Steps so far: 433,293 
Steps to go:  566,707

Monday, 30 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 30

Right so here is another map of where I walk, well this is a walk from my house up the hill to my closest town which is about a mile away. and yes when I go left and around the straight along to the same point there is a shorter route up but it is very very steep up there and only talk that route when walking without the kids or when we're walking down because I can not push a pram up its so steep, if I go all the way around as above the hill isn't as steep its a gradual incline so its easier to walk.  So this is a little over a mile and a half one way (It totally feels longer!) but it does mean it clocks up to nearly 4 miles when walked both ways, which is what we are doing. Yasmine is amazing she just walks it and she does get tired but she just keeps going for me and as you can see, Joseph took a nap today after swimming!
You know today's steps are going to bug me, because it adds up to 6.96 miles, and there's my problem..... 0.04th of a mile! My almost OCD is telling me I must make it up round up the number but I'm just too tired! I know you can't have almost OCD!

Steps taken: 17,237
Steps so far 418,753 
Steps to go: 581, 247

Sunday, 29 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 29

Out in a break from the rain
Normally, every Sunday I do make it about Diabetes UK, and today I kind of am, but I'm talking about the fundraising side! 

So I was talking to a friend today and she reminded me what a huge commitment I made, it a big deal and a huge walk and I've made this long short term commitment and its not easy to keep it up, although we both acknowledged that I've been clocking up the steps and fast!

So I was asked how it is I'm fitting in all the steps, so I thought I would give some insight. I'll try to add in the map to track at least my outside steps, although I'm afraid you might find them quite mundane, at least for the most part because we love routine! So, we'll see, but this was a walk  in variation I do quite frequently and yes there is a much shorter cut straight down the hill, but the idea is to get lots of steps in!

Steps today: 17,384
Steps so far: 401,336
Steps to go: 598, 664

This is over
  • 162 miles!! in 29 days!!! 

Saturday, 28 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 28

This has been since the beginning of the year (minus a couple
of weeks) This challenge is really helping me hit milestones!
Today was a day of thunder and rain! It has been so nice for something to clear the air, we went out today and it was cool! I had a rain coat on!! 

That aside, I've also been super busy and tired! I think I need a nap!!

Steps today: 12011
Steps so far: 383,952 
Steps to go: 616,048

Friday, 27 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 27

So awesome I sparkle!
Today was more or less about me just moving! I tidied I exercised, really had a sweat on! 

Some days, you can go out for a walk or a run and some days it was like today. 

And you know something, I'm okay with days like today, I actually enjoyed it!

You know there are some days, I completely loose motivation for all of this, for my diet for my steps, but then, I see this steps to go get smaller and smaller, really I could have that down to 600,000 by the end of the week! I mean the end of next week.... maybe 500,000 thats half a million! Completely mad! 

Steps today 12,568
Steps so far 371,920
Steps to go 628,080

Thursday, 26 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 26

Well today, I have proven that maybe I'll make it through these holidays alive! 

It was a chill out day for most of the day, we didn't go walking until later when we needed to be up Stanley for Yasmine's swimming lesson.

Today was her first lesson in grade 6. She was nervous because she'd never been  int he big pool with a new teacher.... And she went and she conquered, he had her jumping in the pool at the deep end and she was doing it!! My heart was in my mouth the first time but she nailed it!

So walking every single day is hard work, its exhausting actually and I wasn't expecting that doing those steps for two more days a week would make all that much of a difference but it really has! 

The motivation to keep going tough to keep up but I did something smart, I signed myself up for a 150 mile walk where I get a medal at the end of the month if I complete the steps, and so just yesterday when I felt like giving up I got the email through asking for the evidences so they can send me it out, I go on my fitbit app to find out how close I am... 10 miles... which is two days which is only today and tomorrow but it made me gird up my loins and power through....

I think I will need to find some healthy way of levelling out my energy levels and the food I'm eating... because my diet has gone out the window, so I'll keep you informed!

Steps today 12,607 
Steps so far: 359,352
Steps to go: 640, 648

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 25

Today included being hit in the head with a childs sippy cup because he had ran out.  I had a headache all the way up to Stanley until I got some paracetamol. 

Its a good job they are cute!

Steps today 12.003
Steps so far  346,713
Steps to go: 653, 287

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 24

This is me I am cream crackered!
Tonight ladies and gentlemen, I think the whole doing exercise every single day without a break has finally hit me! I am so tired! And I have a whole five weeks three days of two little energy bolts running around!

We walked up to Stanley this morning,  a venture I don't do too frequently because of the very short but very steep incline just outside my house to walk up there! I don't mind doing it on my own, but with Joseph I try to avoid it, and yet it is my way up to Stanley, where the swimming pool is.

This morning was Joseph's regular swimming lesson, he's doing so well, I think he's figured out the kicking legs and his mouth under the water part, he's confident in using the steps to get in and out of the pool and he loves to play around it, we then walked back down again and its hard to do, to constantly and consistently do, especially with two little ones! Maybe something else will break the pattern but I think once we have this routine down!

I am so very lucky that Yasmine is a good walker, all the way up to Stanley, all the way back, its nearly four miles!

When we got home Joseph wouldn't nap so he's been a little horror all afternoon, but it did mean getting him off to sleep for half past 6, which is pretty awesome, actually...

Steps today: 12,547
Steps so far:  334,546
Steps to go: 665, 454

Monday, 23 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 23

Yasmine has his reigns they love walking together!
So remember back in the winter when it was bitterly cold, there was tons of snow and I was sick of seeing it?

I don't get why its one extreme to another all the time! My skin is constantly a shade of pink at the minute its getting on my nerves, I'm not asking for it to be freezing cold, we're going camping in 2 weeks 6 days I'd like it not to be pouring down with rain all week, I'd like for my kids not to be freezing on a night time that's what I would like!

Well today was the first official day of the summer holidays!  Although it wasn't the day I had planned, it was still a pretty good day I would say!

Yasmine was sick yesterday reason unknown, but all the same I had planned to take them swimming, but if they are sick they can't go in the pool (I think its 24 hours after but I always leave 48) 
Yasmine showing off her times tables work!
So instead we focused on some of her times tables, she told me she wanted to learn her 12 and 3 times tables over the summer because that's the ones they will be learning next year in school (I like this girls thinking, forward planning always learning!) so I thought I would ease her into it. So we sat and did some times tables fun then Philip came back in from work.... No you read right, he headed off at about eight came back in at about half nine, absolutely fuming, they had cut off the car park around the office and there are no other car parks they can use. Luckily he has the ability to work from home, but what was going to be a day off 'no need to be quiet because daddy is at work' turned very structured when he came back, we (me and the kids) went out for a walk at about eleven, didn't come back until one. I had Joseph's pram and we did take regular stops. I think the walks will be a regular occurrence these holidays! Yasmine and I sat together at one point and read a chapter of a book, I really enjoyed just sitting and listening to her read.
Joseph had no nap today so I took him for a bath and to bed early (half five) and he was asleep by quarter past 6! 
Needless to say Yasmine is all better now so I'll be taking them up to Joseph's swimming lesson tomorrow morning then walking them home after I just have a plan for the afternoon... hopefully I'll be able to repeat the no nap with Joseph again!

Steps today: 12,044
Steps so far: 321,999
Steps to go: 678,001

Hey I think I'll be crossing the 1/3 of the way there tomorrow! 1/3! Already! A Week early!! Lets keep the pace people!!! Keep the PACE!

Sunday, 22 July 2018

92 Days of Summer: Day 22

So once again its a Sunday, I do my best to promote diabetes UK and the work they are doing.

One of the struggles people have when diagnosed is knowing what it means to have diabetes. If you follow the link here it will take you to the diabetes learning zone. basically you pop in your diagnoses and a few other details and it'll give you a personalised plan of action.
Along with that if you click here you'll be able to see some of the research projects diabetes uk fund and are researching!

And here is my chart all filled out up to date! I think (short of any illnesses) I'll comfortably make  334,000 by the end of the month! In fact probably by the end of the week!!!

Steps today: 15,716
Steps taken  309,593
Steps to go: 690,407

Saturday, 21 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 21

Prawn, chilli and Tomato Spaghetti
(recipe was linguine but I updated
 it for my no count on weightwatchers!)
Part of being able to walk so well and loosing weight is being able to eat well.

Sounds funny I know!

But one of my favourite things to do is to really flavour things up!

And I'm always looking for ideas of food to eat, everywhere!

Sometimes I wonder if people think we don't eat on a diet, and we do, so here are some of the meals I've had (over the past week actually!)

Pancakes! WeightWatcher Style,
lets not get too excited!
Green Lentil Curry inspired by
 eat well for less (with chicken and rice)

One of my favourite programmes to watch is "Eat Well For Less" (I'm sad I know) but I love to watch it and they did something they don't normally do this week. This couple were eating terribly, they were filling up on Chocolate and Sweets and not really eating meals. They increased their shopping bill but showed them how to prepare food, how to eat, and I think that is really important, is to eat, actually eat! It makes such a huge difference when you eat properly!
Any of my friends, I have the recipes for all the pictures above!

Steps today:13,512
Steps Total:  279,028
Steps to go: 720,972

Friday, 20 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 20

 So Today was the last day of term! My little girl is no longer in infant school but in juniors! (Well, actually she's in primary school so its neither but all the same...)

I went to weight watchers today and I stayed the same from last weigh in! Which is awesome actually because I had a bad bad week a few weeks back and I haven't weighed in, I've lost it all this week so I'm happy to have stayed the same.

I walked everywhere, or it felt like it. I walked the kids to school along to mum's, we went up to weightwatchers, I walked home from there then later walked down to school and along to my mam's.

Steps today:18,085
Steps Total:  265,516
Steps to go: 734,484

Yasmine and Joseph playing nicely together in MaccyDs

Thursday, 19 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 19 I was not made for hot weather

Let this be a warning to all you mothers out there. 

Yasmine goes downstairs with Joseph this morning and the proper little mother she is makes them both breakfast (I don't make her do this, its just who she is).

I come down after them, to find she forgot to close the baby gate going into the kitchen, and Joseph likes to get on the footstool beside me to see what I'm doing in the kitchen, I find Joseph on said footstool mixing the milk she left on the side along with the turmeric! There is Yellow milky stuff everywhere! In hindsight very funny, but I did my best mummy and told him he shouldn't have done it did a quick clean of the kitchen (and him) well and me by the end of it, and this was before I got Yasmine in her school uniform...

I put the towels in the washing machine twice because of it!

And today has gone on like that....

See, look this is me all ready for bed, feeling
 so much better (thank you hobnobs!)
When we got in from the school run this afternoon, I was sweating buckets (this is unlike me even in this weather) and I really needed the loo so I ran upstairs went to the loo came down and was still not feeling well, Still sweating I found myself shaking, I knew I'd pushed myself too hard and my sugar levels were low, on came the biscuits! So out the window went the diet, the day before weigh in! Hopefully it doesn't show too much! Just so you all know I do feel better now, I think the heat has just had a strange effect on me and I have been really pushing myself with regards to my diet and exercise! Balance dear the word is balance.  I also know these are some of the signs of hypoglycemia, and/or type 2 diabetes (I know what I'm doing it for) I have been told because of when dad was diagnosed with diabetes to keep a eye out for signs of it in me, and I do, but the truth is by the time I go to my doctor with it I'm always fine, even when I had Joseph and they were testing me that last week with sugar levels, they always are a little on the low side but its never anything to worry about, Plus I think with how warm its been I need to balance the salt and sugar intake! I think it can happen to us all, I think its important to know the signs and trust me if it becomes a regular thing, I will be straight to the doctors! Plus tomorrow after weigh in we're having a family treat, I might demand ice cream!

On the upside, Joseph is doing so well with his little potty training. He has a nappy on when we are out, lets just make that clear, but when we are in the house he's running about with no pants on at all and going to the potty as needed, he's started picking the potty up (trying to help) to take it upstairs so we can wave bye bye to the wee wee or poo poo. My next step I think is to get him in some little briefs get him used tot he idea he needs to give himself time to get to the potty and pull down some pants, but I think I should leave it at this stage for another week yet just to be sure, he's doing amazing don't get me wrong for 21 days past being 2 its amazing, but I also want to take it at his pace. 

Steps today:12, 567
Steps Total:  247, 431
Steps to go: 752, 569

What do you think tomorrow quarter of a million?

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 18

Can you see the raspberries? 
Today was one of those days where nothing should have been difficult but it seemed like everything was. I don't even think it was really, just it seemed like it.

So I bit the bullet and bought one of these with the infuser in it to try and drink water by itself. The good news is these are 700mls with the infuser in and I drank 2 like that with the fruit in. 

The bad news is, I drank three glasses of diet cola! Not little glasses! I did drink another 700mls of juice, I was really thirsty! All day! 

But walking wise it was okay, I walked down from Stanley with the pram, I swear this morning it couldn't have picked up all of my steps because its a 2 mile walk (the way I walk) and it only measured 1.8 miles the whole morning, and baring in mind I did some steps getting ready.... It doesn't matter I reached goal anyway it just seemed very hard to get the steps in.
I can't believe I am so close to a quarter of a million steps already! 
While Yasmine is still at school I have a schedule I know when I can get my steps in....

All hell is soon to break loose ladies and gents because the six weeks holidays start next week, I could still fail at this task!

Steps today:13,581
Steps Total:  248,445
Steps to go: 751, 555

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 17

Those of you who know, know I take the kids swimming. Joseph from six weeks old has had swimming lessons (if you can call them that) and Yasmine started her swimming lessons when she started class 2. And today she achieved her level 5 badge (we won't get the certificate until they can sign it off on the system, it's broken at present so they can't mark it as complete until its fixed!) but she's moved up a class into the big pool!

This little girl, when we started wouldn't even jump in from the side! She was never afraid of the water I always took her with armbands to the swimming pool, but when we both worked it wasn't consistent. There is a huge difference to how Joseph approaches the water and how Yasmine did, but she has come on so much!  This little one! I am so proud of who she is becoming. She excels in school her report not only excellent in her marks but also in her attitude her sweetness her kindness and her impeccable manners.
She bless her helps me on my walking where she can and she doesn't complain, she always wants to help and do the right thing. Sometimes I wish she would stay the same forever, my little girl but every now and then she does something so amazing she reminds me she is growing and if I hadn't seen her grow into what she is becoming I wouldn't have believed it myself. My little miracles, I am so grateful for them every day! I can't wait to see what she can achieve! 

I know it has very little to do with walking but these blogs are my every day life too.

Steps today:16,240
Steps Total:  234, 864
Steps to go: 765,136

I've walked 

  • 94.92 miles this month, it 95 miles from London to Leamington Spa.... Come on...
    that's worth a donation right?

Monday, 16 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 16

Todays surprise steps came from cleaning my kitchen.

Honestly it is the hardest room to keep tidy! Constant usage, constant clean ups needed! I walked the kids to school this morning while it was still not raining! I'm glad I got those steps in because I walked down int he rain this afternoon, not that I don't appreciate it getting cooler again, because I do, the heat is stifling! Like I can't breathe or catch my breath! Which is bad for a girl who does up hill and has asthma.

Because this is how the cool kids learn to go to the potty!
I am looking forward to the summer holidays with Yasmine being at home and she's asked me to make up a timetable for what we'll be doing while she is at home, so there is some structure to the day when we are just in the house, I think it'll be good for her, and Joseph actually, and as well she is enthused to help me with my steps. I think I'll keep it light for them and walking maybe help me with up to 2.5 miles a day while we are all at home and ask Phil if he wouldn't mind if I go out walking on an evening.

As well, do you know what's hard? I mean really hard?

Potty Training and Sleep in bed.

Joseph is just growing into that stage and for a child who is 18 days into being a 2 year old he is doing fantastic! Really he is, Most people say not to potty train them until they can communicate that they need the potty, well he just runs for it, he squeezes his legs together which tells me he needs it, but mostly he runs to go to the potty with his little nappy off. Its fantastic, it's awesome he's at that stage, I did all day except for school runs and when I had him in his high chair for lunch time.  

Then he's sleeping in a big boy bed now, so I'm sitting on the end of Yasmine's bed waiting for him to go off to sleep. This is his third night and it was an hour and three quarters before he went off to sleep, he didn't however get out of bed tonight, or try to either which is a huge deal, most of the three hours spent the first night was picking him up and putting him back on the bed. 

These are huge changes for him and I'm not underplaying his involvement because he is awesome!  but wow it is tiring on me! With Yasmine the sleep thing was done and I can't remember how long it took to do, but this kind of involvement with the potty took a lot longer (and Yasmine was potty trained quite quickly!) I know there are books out there which promise you can be done in 3 days, maybe you can, but finding three days where you do nothing but sit over your kid... is insane, I mean I have another kid... But I am tired so this is me attempting another early night!

Steps today:12,676
Steps Total:  218,624
Steps to go: 781, 376

Did you know the Hadrian's Wall Trail from Wallsend to Bowness-on-Solway is 84 miles long and I've walked 88.34 miles in the last 16 DAYS!  Go me! 

Sunday, 15 July 2018

92 days of Summer Day 15

For me, one huge factor of diabetes is to prevent it. Sometimes, I mean it happens and there's nothing you could have done, you could have been healthy but something happens. I've seen it happen in the young, the older and the older. A fantastic article on  Preventing Diabetes can be found here

About 90% of people with diabetes have Type 2. So here are our risk factors

  • Your risk increases with ages. If you're white and over 40 or African-Caribbean black, or South Asian and over 25 you're at risk.
  • You're 2-6 times more likely to get type two diabetes if you have a parent/sibling/child with diabetes (Wow, not liking my odds, father and a sister!)
  • Diabetes is also 2-4 times more likely in people of South Asian or African Caribbean or black African descent.
  • If you've ever had high blood pressure
  • If you are overweight (especailly round the middle!)

You're also more at risk if:

  • you’ve ever had a heart attack or a stroke
  • you have schizophrenia, bipolar illness or depression, or if you are receiving treatment with antipsychotic medication
  • you’re a woman who’s had polycystic ovaries, gestational diabetes, or a baby weighing over 10 pounds.
All of this information is available on diabetes.org.uk

Can you see the pencil?  Down to 794,757 to go! Onto tick 2!
On to what I can do about it!
So again, I'm adding up all the steps so far on my fitbit this includes all the steps I've done after I've put them up on here, so it'll look like I've done a few more, the numbers might not add up.

Steps today:12,309
Steps so far: 205,243
Steps to go: 794,757

Oh and on a personal note Joseph went into a big boy bed last night for the first time, 4 hours to get him down last night, tonight was only 2! Annnnd he went on the potty again today for a wee and a poo! Again we waved "bye bye wee wee, bye bye poo poo!" down the loo... I know it sounds gross but its working I'm sticking with it! So I think when I'm in the house I think I'm just going to try him without his nappy on and only stick it on when we go out, we are out a lot it sounds a lot more then it is because we walk the school runs. He's growing so fast!

Saturday, 14 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 14

Ooooohhhh boy! What a day!

This morning, I did not want to get out of bed, I actually stayed in bed until after half nine, I was well and truly shattered!

Yasmine and I walked up to Stanley and back and I told her to wear socks but would she listen... so she ended up like this....

Once we got into Stanley I bought her some flip flops which did her on the way down but honestly that kid

 Then there's the other! So we tried Joseph in a bed before and he didn't take to it so we put him back in a cot so I'm trying him again and it took until about half an hour ago to settle him! I just have to remember to be consistent and keep going because he does need to sleep in the bed and he was really jazzed to be in a bed rather then a cot so I'm sure it'll all be good!

I am also cooked better then a lobster at the minute my face round my neck and arms.... ALL red! *Sigh*

Steps today:14,794
Steps so far:192, 934
Steps to go: 807,066

Friday, 13 July 2018

92 Days of Summer day 13: Friday 13th unlucky for some....

Today I need to do a 92 days of Summer/ weight watcher log in. So bare with me those who don't follow one but do another...

 Today the school (yes the school again!) had on a fun day to celebrate them becoming an academy. so they had a bunch of bouncy castles and the police were there and let the kids in the car with the sirens and they got to wear the hats, even go in the back of the van!... well the kids liked it! and its is the last week of school next week I think they wanted most of it over and done with!

So today was weight watchers and I didn't get weighed in, I did go tot he meeting but I've been having a rough time with the increase in steps and the stifling heat! I've wanted to eat every thing EVERYTHING! but earlier this week I did put my foot down and I know the scales are going down so hopefully next week it will show!

Having said all that....

Steps today:13,682
Steps so far:178,140
Steps to go: 821,860

Thursday, 12 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 12- Teddy Bears Picnic and Sports Day

Yasmine with her doughnut!
Little cheeky smile for mammy!

Something I really love about right at the end of term is the teddy bears picnic and sports day. Now, I am not into organised sports, honestly at school I was the worse, quite often the last picked and I knew it was because I was bad at it, I don't have any hard feelings over it. Phil likewise claims not to be sporty at all like running such like...
Family Shot!

Yasmine's unhealthy love of doughnuts continues (actually she probably had one more bite before giving the rest to Joseph!)
 So when Yasmine is breaking her heart over sports day I have to go over and remind her it doesn't matter if she comes last, because at least she didn't give up and thats where her strength of character shows. She didn't want to do sports day at all this morning she told me the only reasons he joined in was because her teachers asked her to, I told her that was a good enough reason that she should listen to her teachers.

We also reminded her that actually, she will be one of the best swimmers in the class, to my knowledge there are another three kids in the class who can swim (who have been going to swimming lessons away from school) and actually she is a very good walker (She can walk for miles) these aren't things they measure in school but it doesn't mean she shouldn't think herself able.

As well she really did very well in her SATS. I'm not writing it on here (though if anyone is interested you can ask) Very very well! Its just amazing how sensitive she can be about it all! We are so very proud of our girl, and she kept going!

And Joseph today, well he's just a little amazing fella, so just before his birthday he did so a wee in the potty but since then has only seemed interested in keeping his nappy off just to have it off and didn't really seem all that interested in really getting to it and being potty trained. he says "Potty" but then didn't do anything.
See that little black dot? That's Yasmine trying at her race! Poor love!

Today when we got home from sports day he was insistent and persistent about trying out his potty. Phil was on the edge of his seat (I don't know why we have laminate flooring we can just wipe it up?!) but he started off the potty both times and I took him over sat him down (and actually the second time he was heading for the potty) and he did two wee's (within about half an hour of each other and then again when we were in the bathroom, I think he was still trying to hold it in) but the first time I took him up with the wee and showed him it went into the toilet and and I said "say bye bye to wee wee." and he said "bye bye wee wee" then we came back downstairs and he was still saying it! but after he went the second time we went up to the toilet again and he was waving "bye bye" to the wee, so I think that might actually help encourage him? but he's only half a month into being 2 years old, I mean this is early early days! But so proud!

well last night, even though I had an early night I did not sleep well! I kept waking from really horrible nightmares! So I'm still tired, I was all day! So I'm going to bed!
Steps taken: 12,329
Steps so far:164,458
Steps to go: 835,542

(P.S I've caught up my Steps so far with how many I've done since the beginning of July on my fitbit counter, Some nights I write on this and then go to bed... of course walking so it counts up those steps too, sometimes its more, so that's why there maybe a slight difference between the steps so far and the steps taken column if you were to add them all together!)

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 11- Summer Fayre

Today was all about the moving!

I walked both school runs which is fine and then I did a ton of aerobic exercise on my wii u.

And we had the summer Fayre at school today! Which the kids love, although I hate the whole school trying to fit in that dinky hall (seriously could we not have used the massive playground instead?) I do love it! And Yasmine won a prize on the raffle! A trip to Adventure Valley for the whole family before her birthday (I think we can arrange that!) So that gives us something else to do in the six weeks holidays!

Its been a lovely day... busy I've completely tired out but lovely!!

Steps Taken today: 17,463
Total so far: 151, 875
Steps to go: 848,125

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

92 days of summer Day 10

Hi everyone,
Today was a regular Tuesday for me very busy. Two swimming lessons, 2 school runs and there was a parents evening to throw into the mix!

Steps Taken today: 13,863
Total so far: 134,412
Steps to go: 865,588

Monday, 9 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Days 9 Jam Packed Jumper Day in July

 We started the day by walking down from ASDA, as you can see I got some shopping, a lady saw me and said "Now that's multitasking!"

Then later I made some Jam, we have a blackcurrant bush in the back yard and its grown so huge! I made two BIG jars of jam! One for Yasmine's teacher and the other for the teachers assistant.

And today has been a lot cooler! I had to wear a jumper!

Steps Taken today: 13,203
Total so far: 120,549
Steps to go: 892,654

Sunday, 8 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 8

So the reason I'm doing the sponsored walk is for Diabetes UK. This charity covers everything from research to care for diabetes. It all encompassing, its support for those who needs it the most.

So, Once a week, I think I should make it about not me and how I did (although I will be recording that) it will be about the articles the things which Diabetes UK are making us away of and what our support can do for them.

So I want to direct you here. This is about just how serious Diabetes is. I've had a fantastic example of what diabetes is like under control, but I also knew a lady who was morbidly obese, she didn't do any exercise and she died due to the complications associations with diabetes. Should could have controlled it, she could have done so many things, she could have been aware at least but she seemed to have no idea. I have another friend recently diagnosed, who recently told me should couldn't tell me what a carb was, what was a good carb or a bad one, and honestly that scared me!

So please check out the article and the fantastic website diabetes UK have developed, and click where possible to sponsor me!

Steps Taken today: 12,055
Total so far: 107,346
Steps to go: 892,654

Saturday, 7 July 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 7

Reading on route

Sneaky Tea at ASDA

natures harmony of crickets
I think I've mentioned before that weekend are really very hard on me for walking, I have zero motivation to move on a weekend so actually doing it is a really big deal for me!

Phil sent me off walking today with Yasmine as company so we took it slowly because she's seven and thats a long way for a seven year old!

So we went up to ASDA had her favourite (Garlic bread pizza) then started to walk home, we did it slowly stopping to read a little while in some trees on the way down. I felt better after my walk.

I think my mind is really playing on all of this now, I woke up the middle of the night last night and I felt like my arm was on fire under where my fitbit lies on my arm and I could really feel it there like it was weighed, this has never happened before so I took it off and I remember looking at it and popping it on the side next to me, but then I swore I woke up a little while later and put it back on again, but strange thing was that I woke up this morning it was still on the side! Spoooooookkkkkyyyy!
But its like Phil says "you're just a craaazy little thing called Lorna!"

Steps today: 12,567
Steps total: 95,291
Steps to go: 904,709

Oh PS. You might notice there might be a small difference between one day to the next or my total for the week, this is because I'm recording it off my fitbit and I sometimes do some steps after I write my blog but before I go to bed. So there might be some steps not recorded one day to the next but will be over the course of the week, I promise I've taken them over the week!