I know I was concerned about "routine" and you know something it is distracting, as soon as you get into a rhythm for it to be thrown out the window! I love structure and I love routine, but I also love having my kids with me!
And its been unusual for the most part, My mother in law has been unwell, well the first two week of the summer holidays then the third week we were camping the fourth because Philip was unwell only Yasmine got to go to Grandma's, this week they are both going, hopefully on Wednesday and then next week my in laws are away for the week Philip is off work again so we'll be doing stuff with them.... hopefully! So all in all they won't have spend much time away from me, and despite the sometimes insane behaviour all I can think is that actually they are two very unique blessings and I love having them with me.
Has there been the structure there to the day? Not always but on days where there has needed to be structure yes... Have we been out walking? Most the time we've managed some kind, yeah. We've had picnics and snack on the go, we've had swimming lessons and a camping trip! We've had plays in the park and chill out days at home, we've had sick days and well days and incredible days!

Today we went clothes shopping for school for Yasmine. I can't wait for her first day back at school pictures, its always such a fun day to see her go off into a new class to conquer it!
She does SO much with me! She is so much a little thinker and a dreamer! She doesn't even know she does it!
As it is in order to shop you have to do some walking!
Well I didn't do tons and tons of steps but certainly enough to put a dent in my steps to go!
Steps today: 12, 684
Steps so far: 735,660
Steps to go: 264, 340
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