Thursday, 2 August 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 33

Would you believe it isn't even half nine yet and I'm sitting on my bed ready for bed because I am just exhausted!

My day started at about half past 1 (yes AM) where Joseph unusually stood at his bedroom door and was quietly humming away but obviously its night time... So I go and see to him, he claims his nappy needs changing so I take him downstairs change it then bring him back up to fins his bed well his sheets are not the same colour as when I left him. I look and I think it was sick so I asked him if "this came from his mouth" and he nodded. So he was sick, or at least I think he was. 

So as you do changed the bed sheets and he looked so sad he didn't want to go to his bed I brought him in out Phil ends up going downstairs to sleep on the couch because he's been snoring but then waking so its all disruption and so I pop on one of Joseph's favourite programmes on my phone turn it down and Joseph and I fall asleep some time after 4am (because that was the last time I checked my watch my fitbit says 4:19am and I sleep until quarter to six and I'm snoozing until half seven.

then I realise later on its Thursday its Yasmine's swimming lesson! No fear I didn't take Joseph in to the swimming pool with us, he went to Aunty Lisa's and Uncle Kevin's until daddy could make it back in time (thank you Lisa and Kevin life savers!) When I'm putting Joseph to bed I feel his head I swear it was a temperature... calpol it is! Pop a cooling strip on his head to keep him cool!

I'm not going to get to go to weight watchers tomorrow! I dare not now I felt a temperature at least another day! 

Despite the drama I got my steps in by some strange weird way! Honestly no offence I want to go to bed! 

Steps taken: 16,829
Steps so far: 463,222
Steps to go:  536, 778

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