Friday, 31 August 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 62

So yesterday I got my medal, well today Yasmine got hers.

I know I've said it before, but this girl is amazing!

She got all upset around sports day because she wasn't the fastest and she knew she wouldn't win any of the races, honestly I know the feeling, I could never win at anything in PE and you know what it made me feel useless at all of it, there was a couple of things I was good at and that was trampolining and swimming. 

But we weren't assessed on either of those things and PE always felt like if you couldn't run fast or play at a game you weren't good at it, you had no potential in it.

So I understand.

But... I've been learning something. Fastest doesn't mean you don't get there, this little girl could probably out walk half her school! She's already in her level six for swimming and they haven't started swimming lessons yet in school. These two things alone, she is outstanding in, if she was assessed on walking and swimming... Yet she wasn't and it made her feel bad. So I did what I could.

I entered her into the race at your pace kids "race" 25 miles over the course of August, and you know she does most of my walking with me so she did way over the 25 miles, but the medal did the trick. I wanted her to know that persistence and determination gets you a medal too. I didn't make it easy, had she not done the miles I wouldn't have given her the medal! 

She beamed! Because she knew she could get a medal too! She had a medal a real one! And maybe one day she will get one for her swimming maybe even walking or something else, but I don't want her thinking that physical activity is just something she does because her teachers said she has to so she does (because I taught her obedience) 

My Girl!
Don't get me wrong, I am not of the opinion that every child should get a medal at sports day, its important that kids feel they excel in the areas they do and I know that means other kids get overlooked but its life and that sound awful and clinical,  but its also life, its how stuff works, BUT its my job to also build her confidence in the ways I can. I don't want her feeling useless in the areas she excels at but doesn't get seen or assessed in school. 

When I've been tired, she's been tired, she's asked if I got my steps in if she could help, what an awesome little girl I have! She deserves the medal!

Steps today: 12,353 
Steps so far: 881,896
Steps to go 118,104

Next Weightwatchers!!
weigh in today!

Loss this week: 3 1/2
Total loss: 68 1/2
so I would LOVE to loose 75 pounds on or before my 1 year at weightwatchers which is 3 weeks away! What do you think? one week 2 1/2 and 2 weeks 2? wouldn't that be awesome? That would be an average of 1.5 pounds every week! I think I can... maybe... we'll see!

As for today I am shattered I think I'm going to bed, hoping to sleep better then I have been!

Thursday, 30 August 2018

92 days of Summer Day 61

I haven't written in a couple days, its been all go here and I've not had the energy to write! 

So Phil is unwell, he's now on antibiotics but its been a hard 6 weeks in some ways, a weeks holiday Joseph being ill twice and Philip is still ill, so in some ways I'm looking forward to school starting to get back into it (and its not that far away now!)

So yes, a lot more emphasis on me has just meant I've been tired and not able to find a second to think and write!

And again, I signed up to race at your own pace again, again completing the 150 mile challenge, this I completed this time last week so I probably could have done the 200 miles one but I didn't want to push myself too much! You can sign up here
I'm doing something different next month for it, I decided I'm going to put in for the 25 miles one, but instead of walking running them, so I'll continue walking but the medal will be for running... hopefully! Its good motivation!

As for the steps I'll record them now!

Day 59: 11,268
Day 60: 15,063
Today:  15,885 
Steps so far:  868,917
Steps to go: 131, 083

Monday, 27 August 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 58

Me and My Boy
 Today me and the kids went for a walk down Derwent Walk, just a 2 mile segment the rounded back again making a total of 4. 

And yes for 3 out of the 4 miles I carried Joseph on my back. Its really funny Joseph is actually lighter then all the weight I've lost (in fact I think I would need to carry Yasmine in order to get close to it) and he's heavy man! I was carting around more then him! That's a bug deal! I think I've been putting myself down a lot in forgetting just how far I've come, try carting a toddler around you'll soon remember how much weight you've lost!

Steps today: 15,630
Steps so far: 826,656
Steps to go: 173, 344

I knew he'd fall asleep in there!

Beautiful babies and me

Sunday, 26 August 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 57

reminders of 1 year ago
Sorry, I know this is late and I've basically done no steps but I've been getting so many steps in ! thought I deserved to relax over the weekend!

Today I made myself a gluten free and diary free lasagna, and it was passable as good to eat. I said to Lisa I think the key for me will be intolerance not allergy. 

Steps today: 3,956
Steps so far: 811,026
Steps to go: 188,974

Saturday, 25 August 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 56

Last night I felt really really ill with a bad tummy, I'm not kidding I couldn't sleep I was so ill, and it got me thinking something I've wondered for a little while...

One of my sisters has I think celiac disease, not that she's ever said anything, she's very
FLASHBACK: to Joseph and I on holiday!
quiet about it but she does share that she often has to have gluten free or lactose free products. Where I don't think I have celiac (or at least not as severe as I've seen it effect my sister) I think I might have a slight intolerance to that sort of food myself. 

I say this for a couple of reasons

I don't drink anything other then skimmed milk. I've always found it gave me a bad stomach if I had a glass and I don't like feeling ill, the same is true of ice cream and yogurt. Where I can have all of these in small amounts I know if I have more then one portion I'll be ill. 

I don't like eating proper bread. Its something I cut out a while ago and I don't really eat it. I'll eat the sandwich thins and the weight watchers wraps but again these are in such moderation... I've never liked eating lots of bread, even at school I would prefer a "packed lunch" of a packet of crisps and a piece of fruit rather then sandwiches.

I haven't eaten white bread (other then the odd bit) for over ten years, and white pasta and rice are close behind, always choosing wholegrains because I tend not to get as bloated or feel as yucky.

Last night, for the second time running I made the pizza dough made out of yogurt and flour, and although is lovely to eat both times I have been ill afterwards.

But funnily I'm okay with moderate amounts of cheese (like I love the eatlean cheese but even that I never have tons of it....) but I never pile on cheese any way.... and I wonder if I've just been self regulating, my body saying to itself 'don't eat too much of this or this' that I'm just not noticing except when something dramatic happens. 

Now I'm not self diagnosing here, but I am curious what will happen if I switch to non diary non gluten items, so here is what I've done.

I've bought a few items of non diary non gluten stuff and I'm going to start by seeing if these make a difference.
I notice headaches and bad tummies and I just want to see if I notice a dramatic difference in taste or in the way my body is reacting to the foods I'm taking in.

I actually bought a gluten free loaf of bread.... for me!

Strange times we are living in, strange times! I may record on here what happens!

Now onto my steps, today was a lazy BBQ I'm afraid!
Steps today: 9,358
Steps so far  807,045
Steps to go: 192, 955

I think I might get this done in another couple of weeks! This is so exciting!!!

Friday, 24 August 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 55

 So Last night, after I finished my blog I went to bed, according to my fitbit I fell asleep somewhere around half nine, and slept! I don't sleep like that normally, I was completely shattered from being ill! To be honest, not sure how much better I'm feeling today but at least I'm out and about. I don't know if you can see but Joseph has a little rash just around his lips, I assumed it was nothing much or important but I took him to the pharmacy and they were all "its all open wound with it being wet and open to infection you should take him to the walk in centre" (!!!) I don't think so mind but I got on the triage system at the doctors and took him up for an appointment the nurse practicinor said it was probably eczema (Like me!) gave us some cream.
I had weight watchers today I lost half a pound considering the way I've eaten since falling sick I took it cheerfully! 
Steps today:  17,207 
Steps so far:  797,687
Steps to go: 202, 313

flashback for Yasmine when she was about Joseph's age!

Thursday, 23 August 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 54

Hardest part of today was keeping my cool! Headache like nothing else! 

But the good news is, is that Philip has been ill with a bad illness but now its just knocked him and there's nothing more serious going on!

I do love swimming lessons, Yasmine's in particular she is learning so fast, now this is the certificate she earned at the beginning of the summer holidays! Well end of term really! We walked up and back down to her swimming lesson, you know.... to get steps in!

Steps today: 17,482
Steps so far: 
780,342 Steps to go: 219, 658

Any more steps today will be going upstairs to bed because I am shattered!

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 53

Today I've been super busy with tidying our room! Now for most people this isn't a thing which takes all day but truth, I'm always so busy tidying everywhere else that I never get to tidy our room! I've been wanting to ALL summer holidays and today was the first time Joseph has been at Grandma Keene's all summer holidays (and also the last!) so I took the opportunity! 

As a result I found getting any steps in a challenge because I was rushing about but not moving tons, so today was one of those days I was standing and walking in front of the TV at the end of the day!

On top of that my nose is running and I don't feel great... and Philip hasn't been too well either, in fact he has a doctors appointment tomorrow! ... well this is going to get interesting! 

Steps today: 12,972
Steps so far: 762,860
Steps to go: 237,140

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 52

Sometimes I see that people want to ask "Is it not difficult to get in all those steps?"

The answer is yes and no.

Big walks like the one on Saturday, although are physically demanding they are not difficult to plan in the steps, the steps happen.

But honestly its days like today where I only just make my aim in steps, because honestly I've had other things that need doing, and I think tomorrow will be just like it. These are the hard days because I'm standing in front of the TV walking on the spot to make up steps and its not because I've been lazy its just I've been busy.

Steps today14,228
Steps so far: 749,888
Steps to go 250,112 

(There is an obsessive part of me that wants to jump up and do that 112 steps... well 113 to get under the 250,000 mark but I'm going to leave it! I can and I will leave it, for tomorrow!)

92 Days of Summer Day 51

Long gone are the days of chilling out and relaxing maybe taking a walk when I need to with the kids... because believe it or not there is this week then next week left of the summer holidays!

I know I was concerned about "routine" and you know something it is distracting, as soon as you get into a rhythm for it to be thrown out the window! I love structure and I love routine, but I also love having my kids with me!

And its been unusual for the most part, My mother in law has been unwell, well the first two week of the summer holidays then the third week we were camping the fourth because Philip was unwell only Yasmine got to go to Grandma's, this week they are both going, hopefully on Wednesday and then next week my in laws are away for the week Philip is off work again so we'll be doing stuff with them.... hopefully! So all in all they won't have spend much time away from me, and despite the sometimes insane behaviour all I can think is that actually they are two very unique blessings and I love having them with me.

Has there been the structure there to the day? Not always but on days where there has needed to be structure yes...  Have we been out walking? Most the time we've managed some kind, yeah. We've had picnics and snack on the go, we've had swimming lessons and a camping trip! We've had plays in the park and chill out days at home, we've had sick days and well days and incredible days!

Today we went clothes shopping for school for Yasmine. I can't wait for her first day back at school pictures, its always such a fun day to see her go off into a new class to conquer it!

She does SO much with me! She is so much a little thinker and a dreamer! She doesn't even know she does it!

As it is in order to shop you have to do some walking!

Well I didn't do tons and tons of steps but certainly enough to put a dent in my steps to go!

Steps today: 12, 684
Steps so far: 735,660
Steps to go: 264, 340

Monday, 20 August 2018

92 Days of Summer- Day 50

 As always Sundays are dedicated to writing about what do, where the money would be going.

A report on psychological support and diabetes shows a lack of psychological support affects ability to manage diabetes. This isn't surprising to me, because I've seen it, I've seen friends who struggle with the diagnosis, I have a friend who wants to go to a support group but in order to attend you have to stay the whole meeting, as a single mother she can't stay due to it being over a school run, she has to get her kids from school, there are no other support groups for her to go to, she still has no idea of the foods which are "bad" for her, I mean this is tough stuff to be dealing with, and I wish, as much as there is help out there, there would be more. 

So here is my contribution: 

Steps today: 10,054
Steps so far: 722, 976
Steps to go: 277,072

I know todays step count is lower then normal but its still quite high when you consider... well yesterday!

Saturday, 18 August 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 49

Today I went for a really long walk!

 Philip had to drop off a computer in Dipton which is quite close so I said to just drop me and Joseph off and I'll walk home with him.

It took a while, but I had a lovely walk all the way round!

So When I got home yes I was tired but  I got really close to 9 miles and then once your there you might as well make it to ten!

So I did it! I'm a little insane!

Steps today: 25,085
Steps so far: 712,799
Steps to go:287,201

I may just take the day off tomorrow! I've basically done 2 days worth in one! (There's a map at the bottom of where I walked!
love spending time with this fella!

 Also, for my Weight Watchers buddies Pizza just there is only 6SP! So all you do is 50g of 0% fat free yogurt and 50g of flour for the base, homemade tomato base ham and pineapple then cheese (well I used protein cheese) YUM! Other people use it!
Anyone who knows the area knows where I walked but I took out the names of places just so people can't just guess where I am!

Friday, 17 August 2018

92 Day of Summer- Day 48 17/08/2018

Hi everyone,
So today was weigh in for weight watchers so those of you who don't know, I started doing all the walking to help loose weight, This time last year I still hadn't joined weight watchers again and I was over 4 stone heavier! (look back at my blog and read it you'll see!)

Sometimes you just have to move it!
So weigh in was today for various reasons again if you look back in my blog you'll figure it out I haven't been to the last three meetings! Yes THREE! So it was really important to me, that I go, I've been on and off the diet for the last three weeks too so it was important to tell where I was, and honestly it was better then I thought so I can draw the line and get back on the diet part ASAP! 

Walking today was horrible, well I walked down from weight watchers and then it started to really rain and I didn't want to go out sooo, I was marching in my front room! 
but at least I got a nice report back from my fitbit!
                                          So this is my steps for today:

                                                                Steps today:


Steps so far:


Steps to go:

As for my weigh in: 

Weight loss this week:+2
Weight loss total: 64 1/2 pounds (or 4 Stone 12 1/2 pounds!) 

Thursday, 16 August 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 47

Today, is something amazing, I think tomorrow come weigh in at weight watchers I will have put on weight, but, I think there's a none weight victory. I think I've lost around the waist and legs. I was in the swimming pool getting Yasmine ready for her swimming lesson and something kept catching my eye, and it was a purple top and I thought "Oh she has the same top as me..." No, it was the mirror! 

Its so strange, when you know you've lost the weight, I'm not denying it, but its when you realise that 'you' inside your head is not the same as the 'you' on the outside. And its not something which for me anyway, is something I realise just once, it keeps happening! 

Another friend mentioned today the amount of steps I'm doing and that it was 'epic', Honestly its hard, its hard being weary and tired just to do it again the next day, BUT I do love doing it. I love being here, I love the walking, its hard, especially when I have to convince the two kids to come out, the summer has been a mixed bag, I've been very stagnate with my weight but I am loosing inches I swear it! It is epic, it is a feat, it is hard! But I'm doing it for such a great cause! 

Also, its now been a few people who said what I'm doing is inspiring. I wish I could take that sort of compliment, I'm doing something because although overall it looks impressive, I thought it was something I could do, I broke it down I saw how many steps it would take a day to get it done and thought I could, honestly, I wouldn't have done it if I thought I would fail, but I knew it would take a long term commitment! Every single day making sure I would get the steps in, Saturday and Sunday included, its taking effort its taking time but I wanted to push myself to do it. And it got me thinking, huge achievements, don't happen overnight, I mean it might look like they do, sometimes people think it does, but something I've learned in both this and my weight loss efforts is that there's a commitment behind every achievement. That person takes a moment and says 'these are the steps I need to take to make this (Whatever this is) happen'. It looks big and inspiring at the end, but its little efforts which all add up which make the difference. I love all of your support, thank you and I mean it I love that I've inspired something in you, something maybe I hope which will make you think of making the impossible possible again.  

(Side note, weight watchers wise, I am going back on the diet next week! Properly! Let my weight catch up with the exercise I've been doing and get some results on the scales as well as the waist line!)

Steps today: 15,718
Steps so Far  673,467 (Can I just say that's 272.27 miles!)
Steps to go: 326,533

Another side note: 97.1 miles this month! another 52.9 miles and I will earn that 150 miles medal again! I'm so looking forward to that! FYI if I continue at the current rate of walking that will be achieved in a little under nine days!

Assuming I reach 299,999 by the end of the week it will take 21 and 1/2 days to reach the 1 million steps mark! (Again at current walking rates!) Maybe come September I could slow it down a little... maybe, I don't know!

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

92 Days of Summer day 46

haha look at the miles counter...
 Today was not what I had planned!

Phil hasn't been very well (bless him) so he was working from home today as a result, but he also couldn't take Joseph to Grandmas house! I was planning on house work! But all the same, we were jumping on and off buses, and although he did get fed up, he is a good toddler! 

So we went on the buses to get Yasmine from Grandma Keene's house! Which was fun! But draining, the good news is I planned in some extra walking and it paid off!

Steps today: 16,492
Steps so far: 657,704
Steps to go: 342,299
love it when this little fella looks at me like that, like I'm funny and adorable
like I'm the centre of his universe! Right back at ya kid!

Sorry about the huge raincoat but our shot out today
, it had just stopped raining!

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 45

Today I am particularly shattered! Joseph hasn't been 100% well since we got home and today he was fine all day then come 3pm he's shattered and wants to sleep, so he does because we can't stop him making bedtime rather late! 

So today I was considering something, and it is that very soon I'll be at the end of this challenge, what do I want to do? 

I mean I was fairly active before all this, I would rest on the weekends maybe and not walk as much then, but I've also upped my walking in the week I'm doing this all every day. So where I don't think I have the time to keep up all the walking, certainly the school runs won't do me any harm but I was thinking what about training myself to jog/run? Start with a KM and work myself up (I say KM because its so much better then saying a 0.75 miles, it sounds longer and is a round number rather then a partial one... Which made me think of my surroundings, just to be clear Stanley is one big hill, all the surrounding little villages are on that hill, making flat ground hard to come by, but there is this its a very little under a KM (but once I get back to where I want to start from it will be a KM) and doesn't have much of an incline or decline, and there is this one which is more or less flat except for the last red bit there thats all either down or up hill depending on direction and it is very steep. Both are quite close to home in reality but I would need an agreement with Philip about me going out and its going to be getting dark earlier soon, so I don't know how that will pan out... I don't know... a running machine? I don't want to loose what I've gained but at the same time it would be nice not to be stuck at the same point of losing weight too, I seem to be floating around the same mark all summer, certainly my muscles take up less room for the same weight then my fat did but all the same, little marks on the scales never did anyones self esteem any harm did it? I don't know, I don't know what will happen... just fingers crossed I get it sorted!

Steps today: 17,578
Steps so far: 641,212
Steps to go: 358,788

Monday, 13 August 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 44

loving moment between babies
poser Yasmine
Handsome fella

Out on our walk today, in between showers, I've come to realise just how much I enjoy the walking! And how much Yasmine gets it! She said today that her feet weren't even tired (although I'm not surprised after our walking on holiday... 9 miles one day!) I really have a hard time in my summer clothes and the rain! 
But here we are! I felt so much more like myself today! And it shows in my steps!

Steps today: 15,122 
Steps so far: 623,555
Steps to go:  376, 445

Sunday, 12 August 2018

92 Days of Summer Days 42-43

So this will probably be one of the only times I do two days together and the reason being is that I've had a hectic weekend I didn't get the chance to go out walking today and yesterday we were travelling and it took a lot just to get the steps in I did.

Just another snap from the holidays...
Also. I'm ahead of where I need to be so the fact I've done less steps yesterday and today means I've had a rest and I can march ahead with it tomorrow.

Hopefully,... well I'll be indoors tomorrow I think its due to rain and I never like walking in the rain much so it'll be exercise tomorrow but I will get back on it!

Steps over the weekend: 15,505
Steps so far: 608,419
Steps to go: 391, 581

This is completely insane! It doesn't feel like five minutes ago I was in the 300,000 so far bracket! Please if you can donate by clicking on the link below for my just giving page!

Friday, 10 August 2018

92 Days of Summer-Day 41

Yasmine and I at the lighthouse in Whitehaven

The kids first costa hot choc!
 Well we visited the town Philip was born in today! And its funny, whenever people ask him where he's from when he's here he always says he's from Whitehaven (having being born there and lived there 2 years of his life)
I always told him people don't need the history lesson they generally don't mean the place you can't remember because all he really remembers is Durham. So we're in Whitehaven someone asks him where he is from "Oh Durham" What the heck Phil! I pulled him up on it later joking with him he thankfully saw I was being funny!
 Steps today: 15,721
Steps so far: 592,476
Steps to go: 407, 576

Well today marks half way through the time of the 92 days to get my 1 million steps in! And being just short of the 600,000 is completely respectable! 

Thursday, 9 August 2018

92 Days of Summer -Day 40

My family, I love these guys!

 Had a really nice walk along the Solway with the family! I love the little carrier which a friend let us use for our holiday, it is truly awesome just to slip a little kid onto your back and carry them. 
Steps today: 20,846
Steps so far: 576,755 
Steps to go: 423,245

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

92 Days of Summer -Day 39

 Today we went to Grenta Green! We finally went! We've been joking about it since we were engaged! I'm not one for big fussy weddings and I think it was appealing just to have no fuss! 

Steps Today : 15,248
Steps so far:555,909 
Steps to go: 444,091

92 Days Of Summer- Day 38

Today I took the kids and we went for a walk along the Prom. Lovely spending some time with them, just chilling and getting on with stuff!

Steps today: 22,137
Steps so far:  540,661
Steps to go: 459,339

Monday, 6 August 2018

92 days of summer- Day 37

we literally packed inside the car! 
Today we packed up the car and went off camping for the week! (Hense why I'm posting this late!) despite that Awesome of awesome I still got a decent step number in and I wasn't too bothered about getting them all in because we were travelling and getting stuff set up!

Steps today: 12,046
Steps so far: 518,524 
Steps to go!: 481,476

Sunday, 5 August 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 36

This is one of my favourite topics. 

Food Labels!

So its insanely hard to read them! The nutritional information to most is just a bunch of numbers.  And its hard to know what it all means so the link above really helps out with giving everyone an idea of what it means

As for my steps I am officially over half way! Steps wise, not in time wise!

Steps today: 17,467
Steps taken: 506,360 
Steps to go!!: 493,640

Saturday, 4 August 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 35

This little lady helped me with my steps today!

Its been a busy Saturday! So busy! 
Honestly a blur from beginning to the end! But I somehow managed to get my steps in! I'm not entirely sure how!

Steps Today: 15,275
Steps so Far: 488,893
Steps to go: 511,107

Friday, 3 August 2018

92 Days of Summer Day 34

I am one of those people who need motivation! As if doing it for charity isn't enough of a motivation I really did want to challenge myself with the walking in July.

I have a friend who a while back, recommended virtual races, where you can walk/run and set yourself a challenge to receive a medal and a certificate  (the compression top was optional). So added this as extra motivation. You can set the amount you want to do 25 miles. 50 miles 75, 100,125,150 200 (I think that's what they were) and as well its not frowned upon to walk it instead of running the rule is run or walk.

Today in the post these came! And its strange when you have a physical reminder of an achievement (though there's nothing wrong with virtual ones I love it when Fitbit pops up telling me what I've achieved) but there's something physical and tangible about this!

I put in for August too so watch this space....

I've never been athletic, in any way, I'm good at swimming I was good at trampolining and I'm good at walking at my own pace (the thing is I have asthma so this can change on a day to day bases), but I've never got a medal for anything, plenty of certificates... Its like a badge of honour! Yes In July I did a little over 150 miles in total but that was the goal I set myself (it was 175 miles, I maybe could have pushed it to 200 but this was over 5 miles every single day! I think I did well doing this!)

As for the rest of the day.... well you know how Joseph was sick yesterday? Well Philip was sick today. Funny thing was, I saw to Joseph, Phil didn't have a lot of contact?! But by the way I'm not complaining I don't want to get sick so.... Today was hard, because Joseph was just screaming and in some kind of evil toddler mood! I've never seen this kid like it! 

So you can imagine I didn't get much sleep the night before I didn't get much sleep last night so although I have done some steps its no where near where it normally is, but thats okay I'm not obsessing because next week we're on holiday Phil is off work... I'm sure we'll walk tons!

Steps today 10,322
Total steps  473,590
Steps to go 526,410