Last night I felt really really ill with a bad tummy, I'm not kidding I couldn't sleep I was so ill, and it got me thinking something I've wondered for a little while...
One of my sisters has I think celiac disease, not that she's ever said anything, she's very
FLASHBACK: to Joseph and I on holiday! |
quiet about it but she does share that she often has to have gluten free or lactose free products. Where I don't think I have celiac (or at least not as severe as I've seen it effect my sister) I think I might have a slight intolerance to that sort of food myself.
I say this for a couple of reasons
I don't drink anything other then skimmed milk. I've always found it gave me a bad stomach if I had a glass and I don't like feeling ill, the same is true of ice cream and yogurt. Where I can have all of these in small amounts I know if I have more then one portion I'll be ill.
I don't like eating proper bread. Its something I cut out a while ago and I don't really eat it. I'll eat the sandwich thins and the weight watchers wraps but again these are in such moderation... I've never liked eating lots of bread, even at school I would prefer a "packed lunch" of a packet of crisps and a piece of fruit rather then sandwiches.
I haven't eaten white bread (other then the odd bit) for over ten years, and white pasta and rice are close behind, always choosing wholegrains because I tend not to get as bloated or feel as yucky.
Last night, for the second time running I made the pizza dough made out of yogurt and flour, and although is lovely to eat both times I have been ill afterwards.
But funnily I'm okay with moderate amounts of cheese (like I love the eatlean cheese but even that I never have tons of it....) but I never pile on cheese any way.... and I wonder if I've just been self regulating, my body saying to itself 'don't eat too much of this or this' that I'm just not noticing except when something dramatic happens.
Now I'm not self diagnosing here, but I am curious what will happen if I switch to non diary non gluten items, so here is what I've done.
I've bought a few items of non diary non gluten stuff and I'm going to start by seeing if these make a difference.
I notice headaches and bad tummies and I just want to see if I notice a dramatic difference in taste or in the way my body is reacting to the foods I'm taking in.
I actually bought a gluten free loaf of bread.... for me!
Strange times we are living in, strange times! I may record on here what happens!
Now onto my steps, today was a lazy BBQ I'm afraid!
Steps today: 9,358
Steps so far 807,045
Steps to go: 192, 955
I think I might get this done in another couple of weeks! This is so exciting!!!