Friday 5 January 2018

Week beginning 05/01/18

Greetings all!
So, I did go to weight watchers last week which was great actually despite having put no 2 1/2 pounds over Christmas! It was good to know that the damage I did wasn't reversible.

Let me make it clear, I haven't been counting food for the last three weeks! I've been watching what I've been eating, but not counting, I've been eating chocolates right left and centre.

So when I went back today and I lost three pounds from last week... I'm half a pound lighter then before Christmas!! And I'm okay with that!! (Actually quite chuffed I was able to shift it quite so easily!)
So today I'm back in the habit (yes Sister Act 2 pun intended)
Back in the Habit!

I have to start tracking my food again!

No More Junk!!

Except maybe the cadbury's heros still under the tree... because you know....

No chocolate would drive you mad!

I also invested in a fit bit. I'm quite excited really! I've wanted one for ages and I really want to get into the fitness side too, to help shape me as I shrink... I couldn't believe just how quickly I clocked up half a mile! Just pottering this morning.

It monitors your sleeping too and that is a big thing for me because I am a terrible sleeper! I suck at it and lately as well I've been quite tired, so I'd like to see the pattern actually and see the differences between the good nights and the terrible nights!

So looking forward to the next week people!

Weight loss this week:-3lbs
Weight loss total: -36lbs or 2 Stone 7lbs


  1. so proud of you i darent come back hee hee maybe next week xx

    1. You need to come, the sooner you know the sooner you can do something about it!
