I have been so rubbish in writing this blog!
But here I am again, still on this journey, last week I didn't make it to weightwatchers, I had no sleep in the week and honestly the scales were not being my friend, so I didn't go, but I did go this week.
This week we talked about why? Why did we start weightwatchers.
I knew I had to lose weight, There wasn't one moment which defined it, just a few things happened, when I had Joseph I was obviously referred to the anaesthetist team, I had an appointment with them to discuss what would happen if I needed them(these are the people who would give epidurals or C sections in an emergency), the doctor was lovely and we talked about it. When I was in the middle of contractions on the day I gave birth to Joseph a member of the team came in the room and was really rude in reminding me of the "high risk due to my weight" and was talking to me as if it was a certain that I would need them any second, and I'm not kidding they were rude, so rude my husband not on gas and air and high on morphine agreed with me when I asked if the doctor (I said it was a man he said it was a women so that's how far gone I was) had been rude. The midwife who had been in the room all the way through agreed too and said "I don't know why they made it sound like you'll need them you're doing beautifully" She even said a little later I made it look easy! But I remember thinking at that moment "if i ever have another one, if I can prevent them from being in the room over my weight I will!" it was that bad. With Yasmine, they had come in reminded me and even added 'don't worry, its just to remind you we're here if you need us' but they were rude! But I also believe in giving my body the chance to recover after having babies before I try loosing weight, I was also breastfeeding Joseph so loosing weight immediately just would have been impractical.
Then another time Yasmine was asking about weight and I think maybe someone might have said something to her about me being fat again these things on their own, it wasn't enough really, but my mam gave me another nudge, it was late September going into October I thought it would be a waste of time because it would very soon be Christmas but I went along anyway, it was a relatively new class and I did something I don't normally do, I forced myself to be sociable, to be involved, I even became one of the volunteers to help with the shop.
It helps that I get along so well with Claire, and they now encourage chat on Facebook groups, so we can talk about our meals we can compare notes we can learn from each other.
I can't tell you what pushed me to go, but I'm glad I am, and I suppose it is for my kiddies I'm doing it in a way, to be an example to them to teach them if you want to do something and you're determined you can but it also its for me!
Weight loss this week:-4 1/2lbs
Weight loss total: 64 pounds (or 4 Stone 8 pounds!)
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