Friday, 29 September 2017

End of week one (Lost -6 and don't know where to find it!)

Here I am, the end of week one! I promise you I meant to update it more often, but I wanted to share you a picture every week at least and here we are.
So you can see I'm standing almost on the same spot and the same clothes (I promise they change in between!)
This morning I asked Phil if he thought I'd lost anything, he touched my tummy in a few places then nodded and said "Yeah."
I didn't think he could know! Quite frankly, I still think he made it up. I have no bases of this other then the fact that I know him.
Unfortunely I have no proof of this.
Since I lost six pounds.

Now I can hear some of you "Six!" And you might be questioning why I aren't jumping up and down with joy at it. I am happy about it, don't get me wrong, but first week back I know this, I loose loads and then it steadily goes slower and slower and slower, and for six pounds, I don't feel any different. (Although that maybe the cold talking!)

and its not like I haven't been hungry this week at times, but most of the time I've kept myself good.

On Saturday we went for a meal out. I had the chicken and bacon salad... It was very nice. I battled to get myself to get it though, and I wanted dessert! I am a dessert person but no, I was good.

I made some no point Tomato Soup (doing weight-watchers here) Joseph has been enjoying it on a lunch time with me!
I've noticed, I want to eat on a night time. I'll happily not eat all day and then want to stuff my face on a night. Honestly I don't think this is rocket science, I think I have two kids during the day I see to, I run after and hands up if you just can't be bothered!🙋
But then you get to the evening and you sit and relax and you suddenly know... you could eat a cow! You make your evening meal and you snack snack snack.
I have got to get back into the habit of eating at the right times! I think this will aid future weight loss.
So I maybe a little late in getting my blog up next week because its my birthday that day!🎈 But I intend on getting weighed in then going to my favourite Chinese restaurant then being good for the rest of the week!
We also got this at the end of class, apparently you lose 10 lbs you drop a dress size. I normally notice around the stone mark but okay. We get to fill them in... lets see how many we can do before Christmas (which is ten weigh ins from now).

Weight loss this week:-6 lbs
Weight loss total: -6lbs

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